How do I find my bus stop and bus number?
Please use the link below to determine the answer to this question:
All students within our attendance zone and magnet students will find their bus information here. If you can’t find it here, please consult the South Transportation Office at (770) 969-6060.
When do buses leave in the afternoon?
Due to our new school schedule it is critical that once the final bell rings at 3:30pm that students are on their buses by 3:38pm. All 43 of Westlake’s buses will be present at 3:30pm. All buses must leave on time in order to remain of schedule to pick up middle school students. If your child misses the bus, they will call a parent or guardian who is listed in eSchools must pick them up. In order to ensure student safety is imperative that all students who are car-riders are picked-up no later than 4:30pm unless they are in tutoring.