Here is the basic information for Westlake High School:
Address: 2400 Union Rd. SW Atlanta, GA 30331
Phone: (404) 346-6400

Parent-Teacher Conferences
We can set up parent-teacher conferences with all your student's teachers if you contact the Student Services office. These conferences can be booked for the morning or the afternoon, depending on your availability. Teachers are in classes between 8:20am to 3:30pm, so no conferences can be scheduled between these times, but conferences can usually be scheduled for between 7:50am and 8:10am or between 3:40pm and 4:10pm.

Setting Up Parent-Teacher Conferences
To set up a parent teacher conference, please either call the school at (404) 346-6400 and request Student Services or email Ms. Mesi Spencer,

To Contact Counselors
9th Grade:  Antonio Grissom,
10th-12th (A-D): Anthony Decosta,
10th-12th (E-K): Beatrice Ford,
10th-12th (L-Q): Sheila Reese-Jackson, (Head Counselor)
10th-12th (R-Z): Dawn Perry,

Below is the Parent Communication Guide for last year. If you look through this document, you will see frequently asked questions and who can best assist you. For example, if you need to schedule a parent-teacher conference, rent a locker, prepare for student parking, or discuss credit recovery, then you will see who is the best contact according to the list. To view the Parent Communication Guide, please Click here

There will be some incorrect information on this communication guide, but I'm hoping that the amount of good information outweighs the outdated information. When we have an updated guide published on the school website, I will update the link of this page.