EOCT Study Guides
9th Grade Literature Click here 

Online Textbook I've just learned that we have capabilities for an online textbook. This is extremely exciting, because it looks like we can bring more stories, assessments, and assignments directly to students' computers and phones. This has many p…

Online Textbook
I've just learned that we have capabilities for an online textbook. This is extremely exciting, because it looks like we can bring more stories, assessments, and assignments directly to students' computers and phones. This has many possibilities. I will be researching it and hopefully bringing many of these opportunities to the classroom soon.

Please click here 

USA Test Prep USA Test Prep is the common core guru site for assessments, studying, and tracking student growth. Our class pretest is on the site, and periodically, I will assign assessments through this site. To sign in....  Account Name = Westlake…

USA Test Prep
USA Test Prep is the common core guru site for assessments, studying, and tracking student growth. Our class pretest is on the site, and periodically, I will assign assessments through this site. To sign in....

Account Name = Westlake
Username = first.last name
Password = your birthday


Your birthday should be 6 digits long. For example, if your name is Casanova Montague and you were born on Valentine's Day, instead of your birthday being 02/14/1999, you would log in as..... 


Account Name = Westlake
Username = casanova.montague
Password = 021499


Please click here


Study Island Study Island is the absolute best studying program we have. This is an absolute must. I will register each student so they have their own login. More information will be coming.

Study Island
Study Island is the absolute best studying program we have. This is an absolute must. I will register each student so they have their own login. More information will be coming.